How can I cancel my account?
You can cancel your account under the My Account section.
Go to:
Login » My Account (Top Right Corner)
- Click on My Account option in the drop down.
- Under My Account, scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see the Cancel Account section.
- Click on the Cancel My Account
- On the next screen, please tel us why you are cancelling your account, then click on I understand that by cancelling my master account, all other accounts associated with this account will be automatically removed.
- If you would like to retain your surevys and data, click on Retain all surveys and data >> Cancel Account
Upon successful cancellation, you’ll receive an email from us which has confirmation code. Please note down this confirmation code as this is required for any disputes regarding cancellation.
Please note: QuestionPro staff cannot and will not cancel the account for you due to legal and security issues.
When I log in I get a message that the account is blocked/de-activated. How can I cancel?
If you log in and receive a message regarding the account being blocked, you should see the Cancel/Delete Account link on the left. You can cancel your account by clicking on this link.