You can import external data into CX system. To import the data to existing survey, your active survey should be that particular survey.
Go To: Login >> Customer Experience >> Analytics >> Manage Data >> Import
Click on Sample Excel Document to download the template.
Download template file
Fill data in the downloaded template file with proper format as per suggestion given in the template columns for individual questions and save it.
You can see the active survey name appended to the text "Import external data into current survey"
Select the saved template file and click 'Import' button.
Yes. You can import data to an existing survey.
Yes. You can edit the survey, change the text for questions and answers. However, we recommend that you don't make any structural changes. If you make structural changes the data may get affected.
You just need to download template excel sheet and fill the responses in proper format and import it.
Below is the list of supported question types to "Import External Data Into Existing Survey"
By default we have provided 20 custom variables in the template file. If you need to add more variables please contact our support team.
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