When using the QuestionPro mobile offline app, each device key is synced with a single device. For auditing or security assesment, these device details are available in your account.
Go to: Surveys » Mobile
Click on the device for which you wish to view associated device details.
In the popup, you can view the device details under the Hardware tab.
No. Each device key can only be used on a single device at any given time. If you wish to use multiple devices for data collection, you can purchase a separate username/key for each device. Contact: sales@questionpro.com for bulk username/key pricing.
At any given time, a device key can be associated only with one single device. If you wish to change the device, you can either reset an active device or change the association from the device hardware tab.
To deactivate a device from the web app,
This feature is available with the following licenses :