Focus mode allows you to display a single question per page. With focus mode, you can eliminate all distractions and allow respondents to focus on a single question at a time. This mode improves survey response time as well as the quality of data collected.
Here is a glimpse at how focus mode works:Go to: Login » My Surveys (select a survey) » Edit
Click on the Design tab.
Click on the Focus mode option under Display Mode
By default, your survey display mode is set to classic. In the classic survey mode, all questions will be displayed as you have set them up under the workspace area. Classic survey display mode considers all page-breaks you have set on the survey. Multiple questions will be displayed on a page until a page-break is identified.
Focus display mode will display a single question per page. With focus mode, there are no distractions and respondents can concentrate on just one question at a time. Focus mode inproves data quality as well as speed at which respondents can answer the survey.
Certain question types cannot be displayed when focus mode is enabled. Question types with steps or specific interactions don't work with the focus mode. If these question types are added on a survey, we don't allow to switch on focus mode for the survey.
Following question types are not supported:Auto-submit response setting is enabled by default. We recommend keeping this setting enabled to improve respondent experience.
Auto-submit setting can be controlled/accessed by scrolling down under Display Settings:
This feature is available with the following licenses :