Conjoint Analysis Survey Template is one of the widely used survey templates. This sample survey template measures preferences for retirement housing and to learn from the various options (apartment type) provided to the survey takers as to which option will be best suited to them. This survey template most likely should be sent to people nearing the retirement age to understand their preferences regarding the living facilities they would want to avail upon retirement if they want to move into such retirement homes.
Conjoint analysis is an advanced market research method, that helps understand how people take decisions when there are complex choices in front of them. From very basic decisions to why laundry liquid to purchase to take major decisions in life like buying a house, the complexity might change from person to person.
In this survey template, there are options made available regarding what is the layout of the accommodation which is predominantly apartments with living and dining area, bathroom, kitchen facility etc. There are six options available in this survey with various permutations and combination including different rental options. In this survey template the two variables that are used is rent of the retirement home and facilities associated with it.
By deploying the conjoint analysis retirement housing survey template to the target audience, it will be clearer to understand, what kind of accommodation is most suited to the aged population. This survey template should be deployed to an audience nearing the age of retirement so that, their preferences can be taken into consideration.
QuestionPro’s conjoint analysis retirement housing survey template is carefully curated by experts in the field of market research.Conjoint analysis question type instead of asking direct questions asks the survey respondents what their preferences are and which attributes they find most important while choosing a product. Conjoint analysis employs a more realistic way of asking respondents to evaluate potential product profiles.
Best Uses of Conjoint Analysis Survey Template
A survey is deployed to collect information. By deploying a conjoint analysis survey, audiences are asked to choose from the various available options, with a different combination of features, so that the researcher can identify which features or attributes are important to them and which are not.Conjoint Analysis study can reveal:
The comparisons audiences are going to make between various available feature or attributes in a product (for instance we choose retirement home in this survey template).
A price point that is most suitable for the chosen feature set.
Which of the given features are extremely important and which ones are not.
A probable forecast of what impact is the product going to have amongst the consumers or buyers.