Thank you for your help! You are one of just a few people we are asking, so your answers are very important to us. Some questions may seem similar to each other in the survey, but please answer all the questions. For most, you need only check a box or enter a number for your answer. The survey will prompt you to complete all questions. Overall, it will take about 15 minutes of your time.
What is your own personal yearly income, before taxes?
Under $30,000
Over $150,000
Other (Please Specify)
Did you personally make, influence, or participate in any purchases on the Internet during this past Holiday season?
About how much in total did you spend on those purchases:
About how much of this was spent on gifts for others:
What types of products did you purchase on the Internet? Please check all that you bought:
Overall gift purchases, in total:
About how much of that was spent for ... Purchases at local retail stores:
Purchases through mail-order catalogs:
Purchases on the Internet:
Used by you personally on-line for e-mail or Internet access
Used by you personally for purposes other than on-line access
Used by someone else on-line for e-mail or Internet access
Used by someone else for purposes other than on-line access
Please think about your own personal use of a computer in your home just during the Holiday season. About how often did you use it for each of the following activities? Please check one box for each item.
Please think about your own personal use of a computer in your home just during the Holiday season. About how often did you use it for each of the following activities? Please check one box for each item.
Below are some statements of people
How well does each statement describe you?
How well does the each statement describe you?
How well does the statement describe you?
How well do the following statements describe you?
For each of the following, please rate the level of difficulty for you to perform.
What type of Internet connection do you have at home? Please check one.
For each item below, please check the one box that best indicates how descriptive the statement is of you.
How well does the statement describe you?
Please select your gender:
Are there any children in your home? If so, what are their ages?
What type of housing do you live in?
What is your highest level of education?
What is your total yearly household income, before taxes?
Under $30,000
Over $150,000
Other (Please Specify)
Thank you so much for your time... to be entered in the five drawings for $500 cash, please enter your e-mail address.