A Likert scale survey has one or more questions with 5 or 7 point scale collecting responses on a range of experiences that span from one attitude to an opposite attitude.
It is a close-ended question with respondents having to select one of the given answer options.
Likert scale surveys are popular among market researchers as they collect feedback, opinion, and experience data. They are simple, easy-to-use, and easy-to-answer. Likert scale survey helps you discover the strengths and improvements areas of your product or service offering.
Compared to 'Yes/No' questions, Likert scale question gives you the degree of the respondents' experience. It is not enough to know at times whether they felt satisfied or not. Likert scale question type finds out to what extent they felt satisfied or dissatisfied.
Likert scale surveys are used in different types of customer, employee, and event surveys. Some of the common Likert scale examples are below:
Customer satisfaction survey: Likert scale satisfaction questions are an excellent option for businesses to know if their customers are satisfied with their products and services.
Customer service survey: This type of survey includes a Likert scale 5-point questions. Likert scale questionnaire is used to collect customer feedback after an interaction with a customer support executive. The options range from 'Not so helpful' to 'Very helpful'.
Unipolar Likert scale surveys
This type of survey uses a single adjective on the response scale. It pushes respondents to think of a product or service attribute in a specific direction. Respondents need to feel the presence or absence of quality.
For instance, consider the question 'How helpful is this article?' The options on a 5-point scale can be: Not at all helpful, slightly helpful, neutral, slightly helpful, and very helpful.
The above question makes a respondent think about the 'helpfulness' of the article - a single quality and is an example of a Likert scale question.
Bipolar Likert scale surveys
Bipolar Likert scale surveys use opposite adjectives on the ends of the scale. For instance, consider the question 'How satisfied are you with our products?' The options on a 5-point range can be: Extremely dissatisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, neutral, somewhat satisfied, and extremely satisfied.
Course evaluation survey: Universities can use the Likert scale survey question type to know if the students were satisfied with the courses they took that semester. The rating scales can range from 'Strongly Agree' to 'Strongly Disagree'.
Employee satisfaction survey: Consider an organization that recently took its employees for an outing. To know whether the employees enjoyed the experience, they can conduct a Likert scale survey.
Event feedback survey: The event organizers can use a Likert scale responses to know what areas of the event were liked by the attendees and what needed to be better.
Measure the degree of experience: Likert scale questionnaire collects the degree of experience of the respondents. Just knowing whether someone had a good experience or not is not enough survey data to gather actionable insights. The Likert scale data helps you measure the extent of their current experience. You can compare it with the historical data and see if it has improved over time.
Simple and easy-to-use: With QuestionPro Surveys, you can create a Likert scale survey using different question types. They are quite simple and easy to use; all it requires users is to drag and drop the question and set the answer options.
Great experience for the respondents: It is extremely easy to answer the Likert scale survey. Respondents need to click on the answer option they want to submit. It doesn't take much time or effort to answer this question type and boosts the survey completion rate.
Learn how to set up and use this feature with our help file on the Likert scale survey questions.