Poll questions

Complete guide to poll questions with poll examples and sample poll questions that include the popular poll question and answer types.

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Popular poll questions with samples

Polls are quick and easy market research surveys that gauge feedback and opinions. Poll questions help to measure market sentiment in real-time. For instance, just before elections, live polls are used at regular intervals to gauge voters' changing inclinations.

Generally, polls consist of a single closed-ended question typically limited to a maximum of 7 answer options to gather instant responses. The most fundamental step towards creating a great poll is the selection of the right questions.

The right questions and answer choices can help you gain valuable insights from your customers' minds or followers. A good poll question encourages followers to answer the question honestly while also providing useful information about the people who answer your poll.

Polls have some fun trivia and hot takes that you can customize and randomize for a good time before team meetings, stand-ups, all-hands, or just for the heck of it. Here are ten common poll questions to help you design useful online polls and gather feedback.

    01. Multiple Choice Poll Question

    Multiple choice poll questions have multiple choice answers option. Most multiple-choice questions are limited to 5-6 choices. Respondents can select the best from the available options based on their preferences.

    Make sure to consider your audience when creating your poll questions. The target audience can have a significant effect on the poll results.


    02. Dichotomous Poll Question

    Dichotomous is the most common type of all poll question to ask. It provides simple and straightforward answer options: Yes or No. These poll questions may also occasionally include a choice for "Maybe." This question helps to understand your customers' most essential opinions on your products or services.

    You can also use this type of poll question to help filter respondents. For example, whether customers think the price is appropriate for a product. This type of poll is easy to answer and used in short and quick polls without any open-ended questions.


    03. Net Promoter Score Poll Question

    Understanding brand shareability is critical in determining customer satisfaction. The Net Promoter Score (NPS) question measures brand loyalty on a scale of 0-10.

    This question identifies promoters, detractors, and passive customers by asking whether they'll share their experience with your company with their family and friends.

    Net Promoter Score

    04. Likert Scale Poll Question

    Likert scale questions measure respondents' degree of agreement or disagreement with the subject. This type of question is ideal for both market research as well as social science research.

    It classifies into an Even Likert Scale and Odd Likert Scale questions where even Likert scale questions do not feature a neutral response option and odd Likert scale questions offer a neutral response for respondents.


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    05. Semantic Differential Scale Poll Question

    A semantic differential scale question asks respondents to rate a particular entity, such as a product, brand, or organization, on a scale with grammatically polar adjectives.

    For instance, to measure the power of a product in the market in comparison to competitors, the semantic differential scale will have strong/weak as the polar adjectives. It's an extremely reliable poll question type to collect precise respondent data.


    06. Constant Sum Poll Question

    Some poll questions have answer options that are more important to respondents than others. Depending on their preferences, the respondent can allot weight to each answer option. The Constant Sum question helps to understand the importance of different answer options.


    07. Demographic Poll Question

    Demographic online poll questions collect private information about a respondent, such as age, occupation, income, or ethnicity. The demographic question type provides information to help you divide your customer database based on background. Poll creators can use this segregated customer list to conduct better marketing activities cost-effectively.


    08. Image Chooser Poll Question

    Good poll questions work to enhance the user’s experience. Images are one easy way to spice up polls and catch your customers' attention. Most people are more willing to answer survey questions with image answers instead of text responses. Using images helps you increase your response rates for opinion polls.


    09. Rank Order Poll Question

    Knowing customer priorities about various products or brands can provide an edge over the competition. Using rank-order poll questions, you can ask the respondents to rate the options based on a characteristic.


    10. Visual Analog Scale (VAS) Poll Question

    Originally used to monitor pain among patients in hospitals, visual analog scale questions have evolved. Today, VAS types are ideal poll questions for better understanding customer attitudes and traits on a continuous scale.


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There are also some different types of poll questions you should learn:

How to write great Poll Questions and avoid response bias?

Collecting accurate information can be challenging, but understanding your audience and writing great content will go a long way. Writing good poll questions is an art form. It requires getting the correct information from your respondents in a limited period. Here are some practical tips for creating a poll.

If used properly, poll questions can help you make better decisions and improve customer and employee interactions. We hope you'll try one of the following poll ideas to make your online meetings and events more exciting in 2023!

QuestionPro's live poll feature lets you create polls and get instant feedback from your audience in real-time. Create a free account and get started!