Question Type Codes

Following are the question type codes which are used for available question types:

Question Type Question code used in JSON
Select One multiplechoice_radio
Select Many multiplechoice_checkbox
Dropdown Menu multiplechoice_dropdown
Star Rating matrix_star_rating
Thumbs Up/Down multiplechoice_thumbs_up_down
Push To Social push_to_social
Text Slider matrix_slider
Numeric Slider numeric_slider
Rank Order rank_order_dropdown
Constant Sum matrix_constant_sum
Drag and Drop rank_order_drag_drop
Presentation Text static_presentation_text
Section Heading static_section_heading
Section Sub-Heading static_section_sub_heading
Comment Box text_multiple_row
Single Row Text text_single_row
Email Address text_email
Image Chooser: Select One multiplechoice_image_radio
Image Chooser: Select Many multiplechoice_image_checkbox
Basic Matrix: Multi-Point Scales matrix_radio
Basic Matrix: Multi-Select matrix_checkbox
Basic Matrix: Spreadsheet matrix_text
Date/Time date_time
Calendar calendar
Maps multiplechoice_maps
Captcha text_captcha