Smoothie questions survey templates is designed to collect feedback from individuals regarding what kind of smoothie they prefer. This survey template consists of questions the choices of fruits individuals or respondents would want in their smoothie, if they have ever tried a smoothie previously, if they want food at a smoothie bar and more. This sample survey consists of 10+ questions. This questionnaire can be customized to suit the need of an individual, researcher or business.
A smoothie is a thick, creamy, cold non-alcoholic beverage that is usually made with fruits and vegetables, either individually or in combination of both. It is a good and a healthy alternative to tea and coffee. The healthfulness of a smoothie purely depends on the ingredients that are used in it. Many smoothie use generous serving of fruits and cream and this can very well be used as a replacement of meal considering its nutrition quotient. Since smoothies use raw vegetables and fruits, it consists of dietary fiber and so smoothies are thicker than fruit juices.